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If you are interested in becoming a client, please complete and submit this form. You will be contacted within 24 hours for an initial phone consultation.  During the phone consultation, we will discuss your previous experiences with Massage Therapy, my personal style and focus, and most importantly, your short and long term goals.


If you wish, you may also call me at 248-631-4728.  Please leave a detailed message and return contact information and I will return your call within 24 hours.

26789 Woodward Ave. Ste 103
Huntington Woods, MI 48070


Dustin Palmer is a Licensed Massage Therapist (L.M.T.) and Advanced Reiki Practitioner serving the Detroit Metro area.  


Massage and energy work delivered with balanced intent

Announcements & News

A collection of experiences, information, and gratitude.


Who is Cassie Floreno?

Cassie Floreno

Cassie Floreno

Hi Cassie!!

What brought you here? Why are you a massage therapist?
My husband plays a lot of hockey…before he was my husband, he would ask me for massages and it turns out I was a bit of a natural. At one point, I said “I think I could do this. Like, really do this.” The next day I looked into schools, found Irene’s Myomassology Institute and the rest is history. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I quickly realized I had a ferocious curiosity about how the body works that hasn’t left me since. Anatomy and physiology came easily to me, and I could feel subtle differences between tissues early on. I had found my new career.

If you could be anything or anyone for one day, who or what would you be?
I would be a musician for a day. Creating the emotional wave that music can take you on seems like a challenging and fulfilling way to spend a day.

What is something your colleagues/clients don’t know about you that would surprise them?
I have a generally sunny disposition and a love for life, so I think it would surprise people to know that I’m actively recovering from depression and anxiety and it’s something that I have to work at every day.

Where do you see yourself personally AND professionally in 5 years? 10 years?
I have many professional dreams that I hope to fulfill. I am currently working on getting certified in Craniosacral therapy. After that I will be working on personal training certification, and want to focus on postural exercise and injury recovery. I also would love to become a Sign Language Interpreter, specifically for live music. On the personal side, I don’t see a whole lot changing. I imagine myself remaining in the Ferndale area, traveling here and there, tasting delicious craft beer with my husband. Maybe a few more pets.

What is your philosophical approach as a massage therapist?
Stay curious. Question what you think you know, and find answers to those questions. There are countless approaches to every issue, and every body is going to react differently to treatments. Constantly seeking knowledge and questioning what you think you know can only make you a better and more effective therapist and educator, there are no negatives to learning.

What brings you the most joy in life?
Mm.. this question that has many no particular order:

Dustin Palmer Bodywork & Massage
  1. Snuggling with my kitty cat Leroy…He’s loved and he knows it, so he’s really sweet and loves spending time with John and I.

  2. Playing board games and card games while listening to music with our friends, and sharing great beer from all over the country.

  3. DANCING!!! I dance almost every day.

  4. Being invited to have an active role in a persons' healing process...there’s almost no greater feeling. Utilizing the knowledge and experience I’ve cultivated over the past 5+ years to help people heal their bodies and minds, and teaching people how to care for their bodies, my interest and passion only grows.

What’s your favorite kind of music to work with during massage?
I love it all! I have a few clients who like to stray from the typical relaxation music and those can be really fun sessions. Everything from 80’s Pop to Motown to Indie Pop and R&B. I get to bond with clients over our favorite jams.

What kind of massage is your favorite to receive? How often do you receive massage?
I try to get a massage every other week at minimum. My job and my hobbies alike are very strenuous on my body, massage is a big part of recovering from that. My favorite kind of massage to receive would probably be Craniosacral therapy. The results are fascinating and can be intense, and the work is so relaxing. Fascia is my favorite system of the body, so I just love it.

What are some ways you incorporate certain massage practices into your daily life? Ie. Stretching, body mechanics/gait, drinking water.
I love my career and want to be involved in massage and fitness for a long time. That means I have to practice good self-care. I warm up before a long stretch of massages and I do recovery exercises afterwards. I use ice and ibuprofen as needed to prevent inflammation. I follow people on social media who give me good body mechanics tips that I can incorporate into my practice. I also include emotional and mental self-care like crafting, taking epsom and essential oil baths, and reading.

Dustin Palmer Bodywork & Massage

How do you stay motivated to have a healthy lifestyle and exercise?
I try to practice what I preach. I ask my clients to do strength and stretch exercises, to drink plenty of water, to take time for self-care - I give that advice for a purpose, so I try to follow it myself. I recognize that exercise and healthy eating are an important part of my recovering mental health, so a healthy lifestyle has become non-negotiable. Being married to John helps… he’s very healthy, and an excellent cook. We exercise together and motivate each other to keep on top of our goals. Mud runs with friends are always a good motivator!

Tell us about an important turning point that changed your perspective or course in life.
In 11th grade, I had my first art class that clicked with me. I started producing some pretty good stuff for a beginner, and my teacher took notice. She would stay after school with me to work on projects, she encouraged me to join art club, and when an opportunity to switch schools to attend an art school for my senior year, she was a big part of the reason I went. That decision changed the course of my life forever. Getting comfortable taking risks, discovering intuition, and finding a path to recovery through art was paramount and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.

You’re going to be stranded on a desert island. What are the three books or movies (choose one or the other) you bring?

  1. Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

  2. Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh

  3. A blank sketchbook

Why is Dustin Palmer the best place in the area to book a massage?
Our team is so diverse in the modalities we use and the approaches we take to resolving issues and we really work as a team. If we think that someone else might have a more suited style or approach, we can refer to each other and support each other in learning new techniques. I’ve never been to or worked for another bodywork studio quite as integrated as ours or with the team mentality that we have. We are truly a massage and bodywork family!