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26789 Woodward Ave. Ste 103
Huntington Woods, MI 48070


Dustin Palmer is a Licensed Massage Therapist (L.M.T.) and Advanced Reiki Practitioner serving the Detroit Metro area.  


Massage and energy work delivered with balanced intent

Spotlight on Dr. Inessa Daniv

Announcements & News

A collection of experiences, information, and gratitude.


Spotlight on Dr. Inessa Daniv

Dustin Dreese

I am frequently asked by clients, “What do you think about Chiropractic work?” My answer is always honest; I am far from a stranger to Chiropractic care as my mother worked in a chiropractic office when I was growing up. I have been treated by many chiropractors over my 40 years; Some fantastic and some... less than fantastic.

About a year ago, a long-time client of mine connected me with Dr. Inessa Daniv as a simple networking suggestion. At that time, her practice was located just a mile from my studio and so it was simple enough to connect. I scheduled a meeting/appointment with her to experience her work the next week.

Coming up on a full year of seeing Dr. Daniv, I have been so thankful for her skill and the benefits I have experienced from her care. As a Massage Therapist, I have a very physically demanding job and using chiropractic treatments in conjunction with massage therapy has been critical to my personal health and wellbeing. So much so that I wanted to spotlight her for our clients so that anyone curious about or seeking a skilled chiropractor has the information they need to feel confident in scheduling with her.

I asked Dr. Daniv some questions about her profession, practice, and self…. here’s what she said.

If reading this interview inspires you to seek treatment, click the button below or call (248) 688-9713 to be connected to Daniv Chiropractic.

Make sure to tell them Dustin sent you!

1. What is your approach to chiropractic medicine and why should people feel confident in your care?

 My approach to chiropractic medicine is twofold: relief from pain and identifying the root cause of the patient's problem. Being highly trained in what I do, I am able to diagnose where and what the problem is and treat it so their body functions optimally.

Patients feel confident in my care because they are assured they will get better and the results are dramatic! Chiropractic care guarantees that a person will experience more energy, improved digestion, better sleep, increased athletic performance, fewer colds or other health issues. My patients tell me this all the time!

I see patients who come to me often as a last resort when other alternatives have failed. They have been on drugs or have had surgery and are not any better, but worse! They are so happy after chiropractic treatments. Patients come to me by word of mouth from friends who tell them how much better they feel after seeing me. With almost 18 years chiropractic experience, I have the knowledge and resources to help patients' bodies work better and stay in alignment. 

Our bodies are similar to an automobile in the sense that they need to be maintained for optimum performance. A person isn't going to drive a car far with misaligned wheels or a semi flat tire. I consider myself to be a patient's body mechanic, keeping one's spinal column and joints in line. So many medical conditions I have seen are related to misaligned vertebrae pressing on nerves causing pain or damage. I help alleviate these misalignments through careful spinal adjustments.

Prevention is also a big part of my treatment plan. Patients want to feel confident that I will continue their long term care going forward. I have developed personalized strategies individually for each patient that will continue to guarantee successful long term care and relief of pain vs just treating the immediate signs and symptoms. 

Teaching corrective movement exercises, stabilizing and improving posture, and nutritional counseling are all part of my treatment plan. Chiropractic is not just for back or neck pain or bad posture. It's about keeping yourself in shape and your spine aligned. Movie stars, celebrities, executives-even ALL professional sports athletes have chiropractors whose job is to keep players performance at their optimal peak. Why not you? Chiropractic works!

 2. Talk about your path to chiropractic and how it shaped your philosophy.

Growing up with 3 sisters, my mom would take us to a chiropractor for all our aches and pains, even my baby sister for colic. It was called the family plan and we went twice a month for evaluation and treatments. It made a profound impression on me how spinal adjustments enhanced a person's life from being debilitated to recovery of movement and no more pain!

I thought that just because I felt good I was healthy. Wrong! Feeling good can be deadly also. It takes 5 to 7 years for certain cancer cells to grow. A woman can find a lump on a self breast exam and still feel great. Is she healthy? How about the surprise of a heart attack? A lot of times the first symptom is death!

Health is how well your body functions. That means all your organs and their ability to heal. Your nervous system keeps your body running. When nerve tissue impairment interferes with the rest of the body, it causes disease. Chiropractic care helps alleviate nerve impairment.

Nervous system overload is an epidemic in our society with physical, mental, emotional, chemical and work stressors in today's world. Overwork, accidents, what one eats and lack of sleep all promote sickness.

The chiropractic principle is through releasing the body's ability to function by eliminating any pressure on the spinal nerves, this way a person can function at an optimal level without aches and pains. Take for example hearing problems, hip disorders, neck and back pain and migraines are just a few places bones can impinge on nerves-and after a chiropractic adjustment-the results are gratifying!

I was on my way to becoming a geneticist when I diverged from being cooped up in a lab all day to discovering how to treat patients with my hands and watch them regain strength, hope and vitality. I was so happy! I knew this was my calling. I love what I do and I do what I love! This is my philosophy: helping patients help themselves get better through chiropractic care.

 3. What can a new patient expect when they come for their first appointment?

 A new patient comes in and receives 45 minutes of intense patient history, a physical and neurologic exam and assessment of their problem, suggested treatment plan and first hands on specialized chiropractic adjustment. A gait assessment and Applied Kinesiology may also be used as tools during a first patient visit. Thereafter a subsequent appointment is made for follow up care and a more in depth discussion of that patient's personalized treatment plan.

 4.How would you describe the relationship between massage/manual therapy and chiropractic work?

Massage therapy and chiropractic care go hand in hand. Muscles move bones. I tell my patients this all the time which is why it is so very important to take care of one's muscles. Tight or weak muscles will knock out a person's alignment very quickly. 

Massage/manual therapy is a profound experience that begins with a lifelong pursuit of well being: keeping one's muscles strong and balanced is key. 

There are so many different and unique forms of massage/manual therapy including: myofascial release, trigger point release, soft tissue orthopedic massage and relaxation massage.

Massage and manual therapy allow for a patient to be in an excellent state of readiness to receive chiropractic adjustments to correct their neuro-skeletal problems. Chiropractic medicine and massage/manual therapy are examples of two professions working alongside each other promoting wellness.

 5. What do you bring to your patient relationship that sets you apart from other chiropractors?

The practice of chiropractic is an art. No two chiropractors work on a patient's body the same way. Their approach and style are totally different. Chiropractic involves a personal relationship between the doctor and patient. Listening to their needs, getting to know them better and what makes them happy. Patients feel cared for at my office. We team up together to attain total patient wellness and peak performance. It's a process of accountability. I also make it a point to remember important details about a patient: graduation, birth of baby, I also go to weddings and attend funerals. I'm not only their doctor, but I also become a friend-when patients come to my office, trust has deepened. They are convinced I can always help them. I am also on call for emergencies at any time.

 Lastly, my greatest joy is seeing patients pain free, stronger and healthy!

You can also visit her website at HERE